Dog Teeth Cleaning in San Antonio, TX
From the time we are little, our parents make sure that we understand the importance of caring for our teeth. As a pet parent, you have the same responsibility for your dog or cat. Without proper dental care, your pet could develop uncomfortable dental issues that impact their ability to live happy lives. That’s why it’s important to make regular dog and cat teeth cleaning a part of your pet’s routine care.
Why is Dog and Cat Teeth Cleaning So Important?
Brushing your dog or cat’s teeth is about more than making sure you don’t get confronted with bad breath when they shower you with affection. Plaque builds up on their teeth each night. Without regular dog and cat teeth cleaning, it hardens into a substance called tartar. When that tartar gets below the gum line, it turns into plaque.
Once it gets below your pet’s gumline, the plaque can cause diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis, which causes your dog’s or cat’s teeth to fall out. Regular pet dental care is the best way to keep your cat or dog’s teeth strong. Providing your pet with cat and dog teeth cleaning at the San Antonio veterinarian office of Ellison Drive Animal Hospital keeps tartar build-up under control.
What Happens During a Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning?
After scheduling your appointment, the vet reviews your pet’s health records. They talk with you and decide whether your dog or cat might benefit from anesthesia. Any medication provided to your pet accounts for their breed and other physical characteristics that might lead to complications.
We recommend that you not feed your dog or cat anything the night before or the day of the procedure. An empty stomach reduces the risks associated with using anesthesia. You can still give them plenty of water.
Once your pet arrives for its dental cleaning, we educate you on everything that will happen during the procedure. The vet then performs an examination. That typically involves checking your dog or cat’s weight, looking at their teeth, and listening to their heart and lungs.
Administering anesthesia usually takes around 15 minutes. Once we are sure your pet is resting comfortably, we proceed with the teeth cleaning. During the procedure, the dentist also keeps an eye out for any other abnormalities, like a cavity or pockets of infection. After removing all plaque and tartar, the vet polishes your pet’s teeth and gives them fluoride treatment.
Dogs and cats usually go right home after teeth cleaning. They may be a little groggy if they receive anesthesia and may experience minor soreness. Contact us immediately if you notice your pet having issues for more than a day after the procedure.
The Importance of Regular Dental Care for Pets
Dogs and cats can end up with dental diseases without proper dental care from an early age. Good dental hygiene supports the structures within your pet’s mouth and keeps them healthy. It also prevents the progression of issues that cause your dog or cat pain.
Your pet could develop a cavity or end up with an infection. If that bacteria spreads to your dog or cat’s bloodstream, they could end up with organ damage and other health issues that threaten their life.
Symptoms to look for that might indicate your pet has serious dental problems include:
- Inflamed and swollen gums
- Having trouble eating or drinking
- Excessive drooling
- Loose teeth
- Bleeding in the mouth
- Experiencing frequent mouth pain
How to Supplement Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning
In addition to taking your pet to a San Antonio veterinarian for regular teeth cleanings, you can also do the following at home to prevent gum disease and other mouth problems.
- Home brushing — Make brushing your dog or cat’s teeth part of their grooming routine. You should do this at least a few times per week. There are pet-safe kinds of toothpaste you can use to clean your dog or cat’s teeth. Do not use human toothpaste as it might contain ingredients that are toxic to pets.
- Mouth checks — Take a look at your pet’s mouth from time to time to see if there are any issues that might need treatment by a vet.
- Healthy chew treats — Feed your pet treats designed to control the buildup of plaque and tarter in your pet’s mouth.
As a responsible pet parent, you need to make proper dental hygiene a priority for your pet.
Schedule a Pet Teeth Cleaning Today
Contact Ellison Drive Animal Hospital today if you need cat or dog teeth cleaning services. You can reach us at 210-521-4813 to set up an appointment or to answer any questions about your pet’s health.